Friday, May 18, 2007

SP contest #6

Here is my current (and only WIP) and it has been in progress for almost 2 months.
It started out as a "Sensational Knitted Sock", but it was going to be too big (I wrote earlier about the frogging). It is now a Nancy Bush sock, but I am getting bored with it. I did actually start on the heel a few nights ago, but I haven't been back. You will notice the sock is RED, but the one pictured is GREEN. I am branching out (teehee)

Also, I have decided that I am not totally against the color ORANGE. I received some Orange flowers last week at preschool (from the kids) and I think they looked quite lovely. So I may try and branch out and start using maybe a SMALL amount of ORANGE as an accent color in my next big extravaganza (that's a 3's preschool word) I'm not planning on knitting any orange socks or anything :)

1 comment:

lauriec said...

Orange flowers I can live with. I am a firm believer that you never look gift flowers in the mouth, pistil, stamin, whatever!