Saturday, January 24, 2009

Missing Stephanie

Well, I have been cruising all over the internet and I cannot find a crockpot site like Stephanie's :( I really miss her Crockpot 365 blog. I am making the Pasta E Fagioli for dinner, it smells really good!
More bad news: that darn printer is still not working. I am going to give up. I can always print from the desktop, so I will let it go....
Good news: I have been knitting fast and furious on the Ampersand sock. Finished the gusset today and now I just have to knit on down the foot!


Anonymous said...

did you read Jennsylvania's blog today? Snoozy McLazyass. Funniest thing I've read in a long time. HA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Brad says CALL HIM and he'll help out with your printer issues (ha ha). He is trying to set up the same thing at our house (should make for a fun day....)

Anonymous said...

did stephanie go somewhere? Or do you miss someone else...

I know this stephanie is still here:

LeslieJ said...

yes, that is the Stephanie. I khow she is still there, but not EVERYDAY with wonderful ideas for dinner. Can't wait for her cookbook!!