Oh bother, here I've been in a tizzy for 2 weeks because my sp11 pal had emailed to say she sent my package and I NEVER EVER received it!! I've been running to the mailbox everyday checking, and nothing ever came for me; she has been waiting for me to post on the blog for 2 1/2 weeks!!
I finally received 5 emails this morning from her; there must have been a glitch with the wowway server, as I check everyday and there are a few emails, but this morning there were about 20, all dated Tues-Friday, where were they on those days?? HHHMMMM. Anyway, there were 4, yes 4, patterns to keep me happy until the replacement package arrives:
Gretel, which is a very cute beret
Malabrigo laofers, which I've seen all over Ravelry, I'll have to make these when I am finished with the Fiber Trends clogs
Beefields shawl, GORGEOUS!!!
XS firestarter socks, cannot wait to make these, they look very interesting.
Thank you so much, I look forward (again) to receiving a package :) how frustrating for both of us.