Thursday, December 31, 2009

the end?

As you may have noticed, posts are not-so-much anymore. I blame FB and sister for getting me into it!!
As I look back on the year, knit wise, I didn't really accomplish that much, only 6 projects and 3 socks. A far cry from the hey day of purses and pairs of socks a month.
I did manage to make 3 sweaters (that 4th has been shipped to 2ll'd allisons grandma to finish)
I have lots of stash, but not really the whimsy to knit.
I did read a lot this past year, I think I counted right, 59 books!!! but I've had a book sitting on the bookshelf for a month, and didn't have nary the urge to open it.

One major change coming in the new year, I am going back to school!!! That is going to take up all the knitting and reading time. I'll be hitting the books and the internet (online class).

Wish me luck.

Happy New Year.
You may or may not see me here much, if you are on fb, and know my real identity, look me up.

1 comment:

lauriec said...

It's all FB's fault! I feel a little better about my low number of FOs now--thanks!

Hope you & yours have a wonderful New Year!!