Friday, November 10, 2006

Things to be done ie. KNIT

Well, busy all week, and not a thing to show for it, well, not really:

1-Delivered replacement purse for Deanna (done with purses)

2-Made (1) felted box for Teacher gift

3-Started on "It Felt Random"; you really should check it out, the directions are so funny. I'm hoping to use this as my "Library book bag"

4-Signed up for mitten-making class

5-Have yarn on hand for 2nd felted box for Teacher gift.

6-Started reading "The Hound of the Baskervilles" for November Whodunkit, I'm not even going to try and knit a project associated with the book, I have enough projects going...I've never read the book, so that is an accomplishment in itself; and since I started knitting feverishly this past June, I have not read a book (or done any scrapbooking).

7-Socks are still at the bottom of the list :)

Still waiting on:
partner for Whoduknit book/gift swap
partner for the MDK Winterwonderland swap
purse from Knitted purse swap

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